
Why do you vomit while traveling on the bus? Ways to get rid of vomiting


Vomiting is a defense of the body. When the stomach realizes that something unfit for digestion has been sent, it sends a signal to the brain, and the brain then forces you to vomit to clear the stomach. However, many people vomit while traveling in a car / bus (vomiting problem in bus in Bangla). He has been suffering from this problem for years due to not knowing the remedy.

If you vomit while traveling in the bus, you will suffer for yourself as well as the passengers next to you, which is very embarrassing. So the topic of our discussion today is the cause of vomiting on the bus and its remedy.

Why do you vomit while traveling on the bus?

1) Vomiting due to driving is a mental problem. When our brain smells, it sends a signal of hormone secretion. The brain of a person who is terrified by car smoke thinks that there is something in the stomach and not being able to identify it, various hormones start secreting. That means vomiting may occur due to bad smell.

2) Another cause of motion sickness. Many of us have this problem due to speed imbalance. Because, if you travel by bus, the speed is less. Due to motion inertia and static inertia, different signals are repeatedly sent to the brain.

On the other hand, when the car starts to move, our inner ear sends a signal of dynamic state to the brain. But our eyes do not say hey, I am stable, everyone around me, everything is stable. Motion sickness occurs due to two such signals.

Ways to get rid of vomiting on the way

1) Sit in front of the bus. Sitting in the back, the car seems to be moving at high speed.

2) When traveling by bus, sit by the window. The windows must be kept open so that no odor can enter the air from outside.

Don't look inside the bus. Look outwards, then the brain as well as the eyes will understand the state of motion.

4) If you see a passenger next to you vomiting, but if someone vomits, then divert attention from there.

5) I vomit when I get in the car or bus, try to get rid of such negative thoughts. You can think of something else to distract, or listen to the audio.

6) Keep your eyes closed lightly. Try to sleep well the night before the trip.

6) Do not take empty stomach or full food before traveling in the car. It is better not to eat any food during the journey, especially do not take anything that can cause acidity.

6) Avoid reading books or browsing mobile while moving on the bus. These can cause motion sickness.

9) Ginger is very effective in preventing vomiting. If you travel by bus, you can often find dried ginger from hawkers.

During the long journey, wash your hands and face at breaks, and have a cup of ginger tea.

10) If there is a possibility of vomiting from the problem of acidity, you can keep mint leaves with it.

Also chewing gum, cloves, lemon leaves can relieve vomiting. If you follow these tips above, you can get rid of vomiting while traveling on the bus.

There are various vomiting tablets available in the car to prevent vomiting (eg, omAvomine, Vertina Plus, Motifast etc.). If you still have problems vomiting during the bus journey, you should consult your doctor.

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